Border Collie

Do dogs have a favorite person?

Do dogs have a favorite person?

Am I my dog’s favorite person? As a pet parent, you’ve probably assumed that you are…until your friend visits and it’s as if your dog doesn’t know you exist....

Best Therapy Dogs: Your Guide to Breeds

While many dogs can be trained to offer companionship to those suffering from certain medical and mental health conditions, some breeds of dogs are more suited to this task...

How to Groom a Border Collie?

How to Groom a Border Collie?

Border collies are sheepdogs initially bred in the Anglo-Scottish border region. They’re working dogs used today for herding sheep and other livestock. Border collies are popular companion dogs known...

The 10 Best Therapy Dog Breeds

Dogs and humans have an undeniably special connection. Their soft fur, wagging tails, and adorable faces are certain to lift our spirits. Not to mention, some dogs seem to...

Breed profile: All about Border Collies

Breed profile: All about Border Collies

Traditionally bred as livestock herding dogs, Border Collies are known for their athleticism, intelligence, and incredible work ethic. While they are wonderful family dogs, their high energy levels mean...

What Is the Easiest Dog Breed to Train?

Whether you are determined to raise the next agility champion or you just want to teach your dog simple commands, having a breed that is easy to train can...

Six dog breeds prone to stress

Six dog breeds prone to stress

Just as personality traits and health issues can be hereditary in dogs, stress also has a genetic component. Research by Milla Salonen found that dog breeds show significant differences...

How much exercise does my dog need?

One of the greatest and most admirable traits that all dogs have is that it really is the little things that make them happy. A short walk in the...

The 25 Most Obedient Dog Breeds

Who’s a good boy? Not the dog busy rummaging through the garbage… When it comes to training your dog to be “good”, it isn’t a matter of intelligence. The...

Mixed Breeds vs Purebreds

Adopting a puppy is one of the most exciting adventures you will ever experiences, no matter how old you are. How could you not be jazzed about the idea...

10 of the Most Gentle Dog Breeds

Whether you’re looking for a dog to bring home to your kids or to match your calm and easy-going lifestyle, we have compiled a list of some of the...


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