
Advice From Dr. Lindsey: Obesity in Cats

Obesity in cats is an incredibly common concern with many pet parents. It is a preventable disease in cats. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 33.8% of...

Cat Obesity

Cat obesity is an increasingly common disease and has become a top concern for pet parents and veterinarians. It is characterized by excess body fat, which accumulates to a...

How to Manage Your Pet's Weight

How to Manage Your Pet’s Weight

Pet obesity is one of the most common health issues seen by veterinarians. Obesity is more than just a cosmetic problem, as overweight pets are at a higher risk...

Feline Obesity – A Common Problem

We’ve all seen some chonky cats in social media and in the news, and while some people admit to finding fat cats adorable, the negative impact excess weight can...

Canine Obesity and Weight Loss Tips

Is your Yorkie a little porky? Does your Lab have too much flab? Is your feline not so streamline(d)? Despite the cheesy puns, canine obesity is a serious issue...

Is My Dog Overweight?

A major recent study suggests that being just moderately overweight is deadlier for a dog than a lifetime of smoking is for a human being. Being just “a little...

Fun Ways to Work Out with Your Dog

With a large percentage of the world considered to be overweight, everyone knows how important it is to look after your own physical health. But did you know it’s...

Arthritis in dogs

What exactly is Arthritis? Arthritis is a very common progressive disease that affects dogs, especially middle-aged to senior individuals. The majority of older dogs will be affected. It is,...

Using CBD for Obesity In Dogs

Help Dog Obesity with CBD Obesity is a growing international health crisis for humans. People have been getting heavier and heavier. It is causing humans a lot of avoidable...

Love Is Not Overfeeding Your Pets

Obesity has now become a common disease in humans. It increases the risk of other diseases concerning heart and blood pressure. Like humans, pets may get obese and consequently...

10 Most Common Health Problems in Dogs

Even after doing every possible thing to keep our dogs healthy, they can develop some health-related problems during their lifetime. And since your dogs count on you for their...

Cosequin for Cats

Have you noticed that your cat has started moving slower than usual? Maybe your kitty cat is still completely mobile but his or her joints seem to make noise...

Obese Dogs: Steps to Approach the Weight

Your four-legged cuddle bug is your best friend, your confidant, your go-to pal. It’s only natural that you want to treat them like pure royalty – treating them to...

Why is My Cat Losing Weight?

When it comes to caring for your feline, something that might always be on your mind is their weight. Many pet owners worry a lot about their cats becoming...

Ask a Vet: Is My Dog a Healthy Weight?

Obesity in dogs is at an epidemic level, just like it is for their pet parent counterparts. Some pups become more obese because of health problems, like painful joints,...

How to help a cat lose weight

Wondering how to help a cat lose weight? We’ve got some tips that can help. Our feline friends tend to put on weight as they age. This can be...


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