The Kugsha Wolf dog, or Amerindian Malamute, was first called the American Husky.
Very little is known about the Kugsha dog, except that it seems to hail from three wolf hybrid breeders in Pennsylvania. Owners say that Kugsha puppies are incredibly intelligent with a longer attention span than the average young dog.
This can make them easy to train, and they are known for being exceptionally loyal and protective guardians. Nevertheless, their wild and primitive instincts can make them a disaster in the wrong home.
The origins of the Kugsha are murky. It seems to be both a rare and new breed. They are reported to have first been bred by Wolfen Kennels in Pennsylvania, and Malamutes, Huskies, and wolves probably went into their foundation stock.
Originally, they were created as hardy working dogs in the 1980s, meant to haul sleds over rugged terrain.
When the initial name of “American Husky” did not go over well, it was changed to Amerindian Malamute and eventually “Kugsha.”
Kugsha is an acronym of the first letters of the three original wolf dog breeders. These are; Kulwind (KU), Gordon Smith (GS), and Habben (HA).
The lack of information about the Kugsha might be by design. A single website dedicated to the breed warns potential owners away from them, as they seem to have few typical dog-like characteristics.
Described as primitive and demanding, it is likely that the Kugsha are high content wolf hybrids. This means that many of them might have parents or grandparents who are wolves and can give them unpredictable temperaments.
What Are the Physical Features of a Kugsha?
Photo above of Nootka GreatBear Oklavik of Greystone, a male Kugsha, courtesy of Janet McDonald.
Height | Weight | Lifespan | Color | Nose | Eyes |
20 – 27 inches | May be over 100 pounds. | 14 – 16 years | Fawn, Gray, White, Brown, (possible wolf agouti colors) | Black, but may have a pink “snow nose” in winter | Hazel, brown, or pale amber |
The Kugsha is described as a large dog, with one owner reporting to have a male named Nootkabear who tipped the scales at 325 pounds.
This claim is unverified as no pictures of the dog can be found at this time.
It is unlikely that the average Kugsha would reach this size, though. The Kugsha’s Husky and Malamute ancestry would probably make it a bit larger than your average Siberian Husky and perhaps as large or smaller than your regular Malamute.
Verified images of this breed are rare, but those that exist show dogs with either the typical grey, white, or red markings of Huskies and Malamutes, perhaps with some of the agouti coloring typical in wolves.