Ways to Keep Your Dog Warm In the Winter

Winter is approaching so that means it’s time to find ways to keep your dog warm. Cold weather can be dangerous for any dog’s health. It can cause frostbite, hypothermia, and much more. If your dog can’t withstand the harsh weather, it’s best to bring him or her inside. If your dog is not trained to be indoors, then there are tips and tricks that you can do to keep your dog warm during the cold winter season.

Heat Pads

There are heat pads that you can purchase from the pet store. These pads are designed to heat up when your dog applies pressure to it. Since the dog’s belly has barely any fur, they are susceptible to the cold. Fortunately, the heat pad can provide warmth for them during the winter season.

Keep Them Indoors

If your dog is not bred to stand the cold, harsh winter, then it’s best to keep him or her indoors.


If your dog is going to be sleeping outside, then it’s best to provide a kennel with lots of warm blankets in there. The dog should be given a choice to sleep in the kennel or outside. If they don’t need it, then that’s OK, but if they feel cold, they will most likely to go in the kennel. The kennel should be water-resistant to protect from the rain. If the rain gets in, then consider using a vertical plastic strip to keep the water out.

Thick Blankets

You want to make sure that your dog’s bed has enough blankets to keep them warm. The best type of coverage to use is the ones made out of wool because they trap more heat for your canine companion. You can also use old sweaters for your dog if you don’t have any blankets handy.

Keep Your Dog Off the Ground

The ground can take away a lot of heat from your dog, so it’s best to get them off of it during the winter. Make sure you have a warm dog bed for your pup so they don’t have to lay on the cold, hard floor.

Donut Ring

If you want the best heat retention, then grab something that is shaped like a donut such as a car tire, and place a lot of blankets in there. Your dog can crawl up in the center to stay bundled up on all sides.


Dog jackets and coats are adorable. Some dogs love them, while others hate them. It’s best to purchase jackets to cover the entire body, especially the belly. It’s okay to expose the legs, tail, and head. When you put the coat on the dog, see how he or she reacts. If they don’t like it, then take it off immediately. Do not force your dog to wear a jacket or coat.


It’s essential to wrap your dog up with plenty of warm blankets so they won’t be cold at night.


Every dog needs a shelter like a doghouse or a kennel to keep them away from the rain or the cold weather. You can even convert a wine barrel into a doghouse. Make sure to have plenty of blankets and warm materials in there for your dog to allow as much heat to stay in as possible.



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