What Can I Give My Dog for a Fever?

My dog has a fever, now what? As a pet parent, among the worst feelings it is possible to experience is seeing your dog or cat in pain and feeling unable to help him or her. Fevers are a very common occurrence in humans and animals alike and often are a symptom of an underlying illness or condition.

If your dog has fever symptoms, you might be tempted to try and treat him yourself to assist in reducing the fever, as well as nurse the pet’s health back to normal. But it’s vital that you be educated about what’s safe to offer your pup for a fever before you take any actions. Here’s a guide on how to tell if a dog has a fever, what causes a fever in dogs, and what it’s possible to do to aid in abating the symptoms of the dog fever.

What Do you Do If Your Pet Has a Fever?

Is your dog running fever? Fevers have several different causes, symptoms, and treatments and depending upon how high the pup’s fever is, you might have to take him to the hospital. If you are worried that your dog’s temperature is too elevated, it’s possible to get a thermometer at the local pet store. Remember, a human thermometer won’t work! Have you ever noticed that your furry friend has not been feeling well lately? How do you know if your dog has a fever? You know he has to be sick because he’s coughing, you have noticed he has been a little lethargic, and despite the warm ears, he’s shivering. Your dog has a fever, or in clinical terms, pyrexia.

Canines naturally have temperatures that range from 99.5 to 102.5℉, and our thermometers oftentimes struggle reading temperatures which exceed 103℉. If your furry pal’s temperature reads above 106℉, it’s considered a clinical emergency, and you ought to take him to the hospital as soon as you can.

Fever in Dogs: What are the Causes?

A few of the causes of dog’s fever are simple to diagnose, while other ones are more challenging. Some causes involve infections, like an infected bite or cut, ear infection (more on that later), urinary tract infection (more on that later), abscessed or infected tooth, as well as infected organs.

Diseases which may cause a fever involves a continuous viral or bacterial disease, metabolic diseases, and endocrine diseases. Fevers also may come about because of what your pup is placing into his body. If you vaccinated your dog recently, it’s vital that you know that they’re able to get a fever for a couple of days afterward. Try and keep him comfortable as he endures the fever. It ought to be gone in no time.

A few dog medicines also can lead to fevers; therefore, if you have placed your dog on a new medicine, check out the side effects to see if it’s where his fever derived from. Also, an allergic reaction may cause the dog’s temperature to increase. Try and give consideration to any new plants or additional items you might’ve purchased recently that might be upsetting his immune system.

If your pet tends to get into human things, he might’ve consumed something which made his temperature increase. Look to see if your pet has gotten into toxic plants, antifreeze, human foods, or human medicines. Dogs, at times, may catch a fever from unknown sources, which may be the case if your pup has immune system irregularities, bone marrow or blood disorders, as well as cancer.

How to Tell if your Dog Has Fever

How to Tell If Your Dog Has A Fever

How do you tell if your dog has a fever? There are a multitude of tell-tale signs that your dog is suffering with a fever.

Fever symptoms in canines involve:



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