Dog Nail Trimming Done Easy: Clip Your Dog’s Nails like a Pro

Is your dog in need of a paw-dicure? Trimming your dog’s nails is an essential part of dog hygiene and grooming. Luckily, with a little practice, the right equipment, and a little know-how, you can cut your dog’s nails as easily as a pro. What do you need to know to trim your dog’s nails?

Why Do Dogs Need Their Nails Trimmed?

Even if your dog’s nails stay short from regular walks, be sure you check the length of their dewclaws. When these grow too long, they can get caught on your dog’s collar or other things, causing pain and discomfort.

Keeping your dog’s nails clipped prevents unwanted accidental scratches. Additionally, when your dog’s nails get too long, they can cause your dog severe pain and impede your dog’s ability to walk.

Most importantly, proper dog nail trimming allows you the oppawtunity to inspect your dog’s nails and paws and prevent claw disorders.

How to Do-It-Yourself Dog Nail Trimming Like a Pro

train your dogs to get heir nails trimmed

    1. First, you will want to get familiar with your dog’s paws and nails and let your dog become familiar with the clippers.Take a Moment to Identify the Quick

      When it comes to clipping those claws, avoiding cutting the quick is the priority. If you snip your dog’s nail too deeply, it will bleed–a lot. It will also cause your dog pain.

      If your dog has clear nails, you will notice a pink area where the nail meets the toe. Steer clear of this–this is the quick. For dogs with black nails, only trim about 1mm at a time, stopping after just a few millimeters.

      Familiarizing Your Dog with Clippers and Paw Handling

      Dogs that aren’t used to having their nails clipped can be jumpy or nervous, so warming them up to the process is a good idea.

      Let your dog see and smell the clippers. Give your dog treats when they approach the clippers and investigate. Keep them within your dog’s sight–this will counteract the idea that they’re only present for your dog’s nail trimming.

      You also want to touch your dog’s paws more often. Teaching your dog to “shake hands” can help!



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