American Bulldog

Handsome, confident and with a lot to offer, the American Bulldog can make a good family pet. They do require extensive training as some individuals can be sensitive and anxious. This breed is known to shed a lot, drool and be prone to flatulence! If this is something that bothers you, it may be worth considering another breed.

Muscular and athletic, the American Bulldog takes great joy in exercising and will become easily bored if kept at home for too long. Many are territorial and some owners find that males are less tolerant of other male dogs.

Breed history

The American Bulldog is a different dog entirely to the English Bulldog and they are not to be confused. While the American Bulldog has been bred from the Old English Bulldog, they are more of a ‘bull’ breed, more similar to the Pitbull. They were first established within the United States about 400 years ago, where they were used to guard farmyards and protect livestock. Indeed, they are called ‘bull’ dogs because they would be used to round up and protect cattle. Interestingly, they were also employed to hunt wild boar; a pest that American farmers were always trying to keep away.

General appearance

These dogs are real powerhouses, thanks to their strong bones and rippling muscles. They have long limbs, broad chests and a stocky conformation. Their skulls are large and their jaws impressively strong. There is some facial wrinkling and many will have ‘jowls’ which are often covered in slobber. Their ears are not overly large and will hang forward at the top of their head.

The short coat of the American Bulldog is usually mainly white with some brown, black or golden accents.

When mature, most can reach heights of up to 70cm and will weigh between 40kg and 60kg. The males tend to be larger and heavier than the females.


A big softy at heart, many American Bulldogs are misunderstood. This is a dog who enjoys spending time with people and will pine for their owner when they are away. Despite their size, most enjoy laying on top of or near their family members and seem to think they are smaller than they really are!

Most breed members will be confident and happy-go-lucky but some are more sensitive and may take some extra time to get used to new situations and new people. We can help to prevent his by using lots of positive reward based training and by socialising these dogs sensibly from a young age. As they have the potential to be strong, it is important that we train them well and nip any ‘bad’ behaviour in the bud when they are little.

These guys are excellent guard dogs who will take it upon themselves to ‘patrol’ your home and let you know as soon as someone new is about.



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