Can Dogs Eat Vegetables?


In today’s society, our dogs are viewed as members of the family. Rightfully so, our canine companions are now treated with the same love and attention that new parents would shower upon their newborn child. More than ever before, we are specifically paying attention to what our dogs eat. You may surely be thinking that dogs can eat vegetables, they are healthy after all. Well, yes and no. In this article we are going to answer all the facets of the question: can dogs eat vegetables?

Table of Contents:

  • Are Vegetables Good for Dogs?
  • Tips for Feeding Dogs Vegetables
  • What Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?
  • More Healthy Vegetables for Dogs
  • Unhealthy Vegetables for Dogs
  • Nutritional Supplements for Dogs

Are Vegetables Good for Dogs?

Simply put, the answer is “yes, but…”. To enumerate, many vegetables are just as healthy and nutritionally beneficial for dogs as they are for people. Conversely, there are some vegetables that can be downright toxic when consumed by canines.

Keep in mind, the following list is exclusively referring to fresh, unseasoned, unflavored vegetables. Furthermore, all dogs are different – they require varying amounts of nutrients and have unique reactions to certain foods. As always, check with your trusted veterinarian regarding the type (and amount) of vegetables that are healthy to feed your special pup.

Read on to find out which veggies are healthy and which to avoid when it comes to feeding Fido.

Tips for Feeding Dogs Vegetables

Before we go down the rabbit hole of which vegetables dogs can eat, it is important to note a few ground rules. Regarding canine-friendly veggies, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Raw vegetables have more nutrients than cooked vegetables (go raw!)
  • If you choose to cook the veggies, do no use any seasonings, oils, butter, or other flavors which can be incredibly toxic to dogs and finds its way into a lot of pre-made human food – another good reason to avoid table-scrap feeding
  • Small bites! When raw, a lot of veggies (hello, carrots) are really hard and can present a choking hazard. Always cut up veggies into small, bite-sized pieces
  • Remove all skins, seeds, stems, and leaves before feeding
  • Think of vegetables as healthy treats for your dog. Of which, treats should make up less than 10% of your dog’s daily food intake – the same rule applies with vegetables!
  • When serving, you can cut into small pieces (or puree!) and sprinkle directly into your dog’s food. Additionally, you can serve alone as a healthy, tasty treat between meals!
  • Any new food should always be introduced slowly to your dog. This promotes a healthy gastrointestinal reaction and gives you the opportunity to easily spot a potential allergic reaction

farm dog

What Vegetables can a Dog Eat?

Now that we know the ground rules, let’s get into it! The internet has spoken, and below are some of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to canines and vegetable intake.

Can dogs Eat Broccoli?

Broccoli is the perfect example of the answer “yes, but…”. In short, dogs can safely eat broccoli. In fact, broccoli is high in fiber and vitamin C and low in fat, making it a healthy snack for dogs.

However, when over consumed, broccoli can cause gastric distress. Broccoli florets contain isothiocyanates, which in large amounts can upset the canine tummy.

Can Dogs Eat Celery?

Yes! This crunchy vegetable is incredibly low in cholesterol and fat, making it a preferred weight-loss snack for dogs and humans alike! Better yet, celery is packed with folate, manganese, potassium, and vitamins, K, C, and A. Additionally, celery is a great source of fiber.

To further sweeten the pot, celery has been known to freshen stinky dog breath!



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