Building Your Pet’s Thanksgiving Feast

Building your pups thanksgiving feast blog featured image with two dogs waiting at the dinner table

Imagine this: it is Thanksgiving Day. The crisp autumn air is coming through an open window in an attempt to cool the warm kitchen. The smell of the roasting turkey mingles with the melody of the bubbling gravy. Is your mouth watering yet?

As you cook your Thanksgiving meal, salivating at just the idea of the feast, your four-legged family members may be salivating too. But, according to a recent study, 64 percent of U.S. pet parents say that their dog has chewed on or eaten something they shouldn’t have during a holiday celebration. This can be avoided by simply including your pet in the celebration.

Instead of trying to remember all of the things your pet should avoid, know that there are quite a few dishes your pet can enjoy this holiday season. Forget holiday table scraps, make your pet a plate and celebrate the season together. Below, I am breaking down which dishes to put on your pet’s Thanksgiving plate.

What Holiday Foods Are Safe For My Pet? 

These foods are safe for your dogs in moderation, and when prepared with your pup in mind without a few traditional ingredients. Remember: small quantities of each approved dish are safest, and you can add a full spectrum hemp extract to your pet’s thanksgiving plate for an even better holiday. 


Turkey is a normal ingredient in raw diets and can even be found in kibble (although I do not recommend ever feeding your pet kibble). Turkey itself is safe for dogs, but you should pay attention to what was used in preparing the turkey. Avoid giving your dog the skin, which is usually prepared with extra fat and butter. If your turkey was prepared with stuffing inside, make sure it does not have onions, as onions can be toxic to dogs. Additionally, make sure to avoid giving your pup any bones or trimmings.  Bonus: After the holiday, you can turn your turkey carcass into a healthy bone broth for your pups!

Mashed Potatoes 

Mashed potatoes are safe, but butter, sour cream, milk, and cheese may cause an upset tummy. While you are cooking, a tummy-safe option is to take some plain potatoes, before you add in the rest of the yummy ingredients, and mash them up for your dog so that they can enjoy the potatoes without all of the extras. Gravy should be avoided for your pup entirely.

Green Beans 

Green beans are an excellent food for dogs. Green beans are a great source of plant fiber, manganese, and vitamins C and K. Unfortunately, most green bean casseroles are cooked with heavy cream and onions, making green bean casserole unsafe for dogs. While you are cooking, set aside some warm green beans (minus the salt, butter, and onions) for your pup’s plate and they can enjoy the benefits without the dangers of the casserole. Frozen green beans also make a great crunchy treat for your pup.

Sweet Potatoes 

Sweet potatoes are an excellent addition to any dog’s diet – even when it is not a holiday. Sweet potatoes area great source of dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, which altogether promote overall health. The trouble comes from the extra sugar in candied yams or marshmallows on sweet potato casserole, which can cause an upset tummy. A safer option is to boil or broil a few extra plain sweet potatoes to give to your pup.



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