Fish Oil for Dogs: Safe or Not?

Fish oil offers a number of health benefits for humans. But, can you give your dog fish oil too? As a pet owner, your focus is on ensuring your dog’s optimal health. Providing adequate nutrition and supplementing your dog’s diet with certain substances can help you achieve the right balance. Well, as it turns out, fish oil isn’t as beneficial for your dog as you might assume. In fact, giving your dog the oil can lead to a number of side effects. Despite this, a large number of dog owners continue to administer the oil to their dogs.

The main reason why people buy fish oil for dogs is the omega-3 fats it contains. These fats are necessary for achieving ideal health. So, is there a way for you to provide your dog the goodness of fish oil but without worrying about the side effects of fish oil in dogs? First, you need to be aware of the reasons why fish oil has become a craze among dog parents.

The Truth about Fish Oil

Over the past couple of decades, a number of studies and research dedicated to fish oil showed positive results. The results demonstrate that your body needs essential fatty acids. Moreover, fish oil has low-fat content. If you want to cut fat from your diet, fish oil can prove a worthwhile addition. However, it didn’t take long for scientists to dissuade the idea of relying on fish oil to cut out fat from your diet. Rather, studies show that following a diet low in fat can prove harmful to your overall health. Not all fat is bad for your body.

There are certain types of fat your body needs to function optimally. In fact, these fats are referred to as functional fats. They help your body operate. However, the issue is that your dog’s body does not produce these fats naturally. Hence, you, as a dog owner, are responsible for providing the supplements necessary so that your dog can get sufficient functional fats. The other type of fat is facilitative, which is commonly referred to as facilitative fats. These fats offer a number of benefits, including better digestion and energy conversion.

You also need to be aware of the two different types of essential fatty acids, i.e. Omega 3 and Omega 6. Your pet pooch needs ample amounts of both types of fatty acids to stay healthy. Let’s look at each in more detail:

Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty Acids

There are three types of omega 3 fatty acids, namely eicosapentaenoic (EPA), alpha-linolenic (ALA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA). Omega 6 fatty acids include linolenic (LA), arachidonic (AA), gamma-linolenic (GLA), and dihomo-GLA (DGLA). The fish oils for dogs are the primary source of omega 3 fatty acids. While both omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fats play important roles in your dog’s diet, we are going to take a deeper look at omega-3s, since that’s where fish oil comes into the picture. Your dog will enjoy the maximum benefits of omega 3 fatty acids via fish oil.

The Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Your dog will enjoy a number of health benefits once you start administering fish oil to him/her. Thanks to the high Omega 3 content, you can enhance your dog’s overall health.

The benefits include:

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Your dog’s vital organs remain safe when he or she receives sufficient quantities of omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are great for preventing cardiovascular issues. Moreover, they also combat inflammation as well as muscle damage.

Enhanced Cognitive Function

Your dog’s cognitive functions will improve when he/she consume fish oil. You will find it easier to teach your dog new tricks, which makes the experience enjoyable for both you and your dog. If you have a dog who resists training, administering fish oil to him/her can prove the perfect solution.



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