The Harrier Hound

The Harrier is a rare dog breed. It is not for everyone!

This is a dog that demonstrates a certain independence.

A healthy Harrier can live as long as 15 years. Harrier Coat The Harrier has a medium length, dense and hard coat that is straight, not wavy, and not slick. The hair around the ears, muzzle, eyes and above the ears is short and stiff.

The hair should not be so combed or brushed that it removes the tear stains. They are an average shedder.

History and Appearance of the Harrier

This is an ancient breed, believed to be around during the 12th century. It was a hunting dog, believed to have originated in England. This is a rare dog breed, and can be registered in the United Kennel Club, but not the AKC. These dogs are born either black and tan, red and tawny, or white with patches of the same color. Within these colors, the puppies will tend to have different colors as adults. A Harrier is a dog that stands up straight, and has a short, dense coat. The color should not be so extreme as to whiten out the dogs’ coloring. Common colors are tri-color, white and orange, white and lemon, and sable. Using in the Field and woods The Harrier is a scent hound, both by sight and voice. They will track and go after game in the field and woods. They are excellent at maneuvering themselves through underbrush and vegetation, especially when using their strong sense of smell.



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