What you need to know when deworming dogs and puppies

Before the deworming process, it’s essential to know what kind of infection that is found in your dog’s system.

Here are the types of worms that can be found in your dogs and puppies:


The majority of puppies are born with ascarids or roundworms in the tissues. These larvae are introduced through the mother’s milk or uterus before they are even born. Roundworms in puppies can often cause vomiting, weight loss, bloating, diarrhea, and increase appetite. Sometimes, the puppy might also vomit out the roundworm.


Hookworms are small worms that attach to the small intestine and absorbs the blood and nutrients from the dog. If left unmanaged, hookworm infestation can kill your puppy or cause severe anemia. In other dogs, it can lead to decreased appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, weakness, anemia, and low stamina.


If your dog has ingested a flea or rodent, then he or she will have to watch out for tapeworms. Tapeworms don’t usually cause any clinical symptoms, but is often found in the stool or rectum of the infected dog.


These worms are threadlike and dwell in the large intestines of the dog. It can result in symptoms of bloody stool, weight loss, and low appetite. In the large intestine, the worm can absorb all the nutrients and blood, leading to malnutrition and anemia.

These worms are difficult to diagnose and require several fecal samples for microscopic examination to detect them. They’re also the most challenging worm to treat, so it’s best to diagnose them early before it escalates further, and lead to deadly consequences.



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