Winter Coat Care

Brrr… it’s cold outside. And cold weather months mean your doggo’s coat needs some extra care. Here are some tips to keep in mind this winter.

Bundle them up: If you’re cold when you’re outside, your pup probably is, too.  Consider dressing them in a sweater or jacket, especially if they have short hair. (Double-coated and plush breeds likely don’t need a sweater since their coats are thick.) Keeping your doggo covered helps prevent exposing their skin to harsh environmental elements.

Prevent allergen buildup: Staying indoors can lead to a buildup of allergens that’s irritating to dogs and humans. Brushing your BDF every 2-3 days and giving them a weekly wash with a gentle shampoo helps remove allergens trapped in your dog’s coat, so everyone at home can breathe easier.

Pamper their paws: If your dog has furry feet, trim any fur that grows between the pads to help prevent ice buildup during winter walks. Also wash or wipe their paws post-walk to remove the salt used to prevent icy pathways. Dog booties or an all-natural paw salve are great for protecting your pup’s pads from cracking or drying.



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