Best Dog Cooling Mat Buying Guide

All dogs are prone to overheating during the long, hot summer in the warmer months, but some dogs may be more sensitive than others. Large breeds and long-haired breeds may be less active in the summer, while short-headed breeds (such as English and French bulldogs, pugs, and Boston terriers) may have trouble breathing in the heat. Cooling pads and cooling mats for dogs are perfect for keeping your dog cool on hot summer days. Cooling mats can be placed in a crate, on a couch, on a carpet, or a dog bed. There are several options to consider when looking for the best cooling mats for dogs. Here we will help you choose the right cooling mats for your dog.PDF

What is a Cooling Mat?

A cooling mat (or pad) is a particular type of bedding designed to cool your pet. There are four types of cooling pads that work in different ways, but they all strive to do the same: return your dog’s body temperature to normal in as little time as possible. Let’s take a look at the techniques used on cooling beds, see how they work, and how to choose the best one.

What Are the 4 Types of Pet Cooling Mat?

Product Features
Basic Cooling Pads
  • No need to fill water.
  • No need to refrigerate.
  • No need to insert ice to it.
  • Non-toxic.
Water-filled Mats
  • Stay cool for up to 7 hours.
  • Safest.
  • Most affordable.
  • Can leak.
  • Can spill.
  • Can mildewy.
Ice Pack Cooling Pads
  • Freeze overnight before you .insert them into the mat.
  • Some dogs may find them. Uncomfortable at the start when they’re cold.
Gel Cooling Pads
  • Stay cool for up to 3-4 hours.
  • Gel-based.
  • They work through a chemical.
  • It activates through weight when the dog lies down on it.
  • It will re-charge itself automatically after a brief period of non-use.
  • Recommended to only use them in the shade.

How it works: Technologies

Water-filled Mats
Water-filled Mats are those that you need to fill with cold water. If you’ve ever had the water pillow, then you’ll imagine that it’s essentially an equal thing. The benefits of water-based bedding are that it’s completely safe and doesn’t have any toxic chemicals. Besides, water is understood to enhance quality sleep and promote quick recovery.

Ice Pack Cooling Pads
Some cooling mats accompany a group of ice packs that you simply need to freeze overnight and insert into the carpet before use. Again, these mats are safe for dogs. On the downside, imagine lying on ice bedding that has just been taken out of the freezer. How would you feel? Extremely cold initially, right? The ice can cause shivering and uncomfortable sensations, which getaway because the ice melts. Another downside is that some cooling pads accompany a group of packs of a specific size, and if one among the pouches pops up or cracks and leaks, it might be hard to seek out the replacement part.



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