
Dog Body Language: How To Read It 

Your dog wants to talk to you. As a dog owner, you know your dog understands you when you tell them to sit, stay, or grab their leash. They...

How to Stop These 4 Strange Dog Behaviors

How to Stop These 4 Strange Dog Behaviors

Having a dog in your life often means having a front-row seat to some adorable, hilarious, and peculiar behaviors. But, what about some of the not-so cute ones? Here...

7 Common Dog Behavior Issues and Solutions

Depending on how your pup is trained, their genetics, or even their environment, it is not unusual for dogs to develop behavioral issues. Dog behavioral issues are common and...

Why Do Cats Get the Zoomies?

Does your pet get seemingly random bursts of energy and dart around the house? One minute they’re calm as can be, the next, they’re bouncing off the walls. While...

Why is My Dog Staring at the Wall?

It’s not uncommon for pet parents to find their dogs staring at the wall, seemingly fixated on nothing. Nevertheless, this can be unsettling for owners. There are several possible...

Unique Ways to Interact With Your Puppy

Bringing home a puppy is one of the most wonderful experiences for any new dog owner. You may be imagining the world of possibilities ahead for both of you...

Dog Behavior: Why Do Dogs Eat Grass

In a web-based survey of owners of plant-eating dogs which got about 3000 returns for dogs it was reported that dogs and cats eat grass as their preferred plant...

Why Do Cats Meow?

Is meowing a way for cats to communicate? Yes, but not in the way you’re probably thinking. You also likely think a meow is a meow, right? Not exactly...


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