
Can Dogs Eat Pickles? The Sour Truth

Can Dogs Eat Pickles? The Sour Truth

The mighty pickle, with its crunchy texture and tangy, salty flavor, is a staple in kitchens everywhere. There’s no wonder why — they’re as versatile as they are delicious,...

Do cats experience separation stress?

Do cats experience separation stress?

Cats are known for being independent, but they can get lonely and suffer separation stress when they are apart from people. In fact, a study found around 13 percent...

Why is My Cat Throwing Up But Seems Fine?

Why is My Cat Throwing Up But Seems Fine?

Cat owners have simply come to accept a few truths about their feline friends. Your cat can go from sucking on a blanket and purring contentedly to savagely attacking...

Do NOT let your dog kiss this frog!

Do NOT let your dog kiss this frog!

Schnitzel sitting under her favorite tree lizard watching I have been spending some time in Miami. Over dinner the other night I pointed out how cute my dog Schnitzel...

Basepaws Dermatitis Research in Cats

Basepaws Dermatitis Research in Cats

Do you have an itchy cat? It’s possible that they could be suffering from dermatitis—an increasingly common skin condition seen in cats. In this post, we review two types...

Dog Diarrhea: Causes, Information & Advice

Dog Diarrhea: Causes, Information & Advice

Dog diarrhea is most commonly associated with colitis in dogs, which is essentially caused by an inflammation of the colon which results in soft stools. Dog diarrhea can be...

Pancreatitis in dogs: how can you help?

Pancreatitis in dogs: how can you help?

Pancreatitis in dogs is a painful condition caused by inflammation of the pancreas; an organ that sits near the stomach. The pancreas produces hormones including insulin to help control...

Why Is My Cat Eating Grass?

If you let your cat outside or you take care of an outdoor cat colony, you might notice them gnawing on some greens. The good news is that this...

Signs Your Dog is Overheating: What to do

Everyone loves summertime, including pets! Especially for those who endure harsh winters, summer is a turning point that can lift the whole family’s mood. But summer fun can come...

Reasons Why Cats VOMIT?

One of the most bizarre things that cats do is vomit. When they are not feeling well, some cats will throw up their food in order to feel better....

What is a Bland Diet for Dogs?

Sometimes dogs suffer digestive distress that makes it impossible for them to “keep their food down” and require a bland diet to consume any nutrients and get their digestive...

Cerenia for Cats

Vomiting is not only an unattractive word, but it’s also a very unfortunate circumstance. When it comes to cats, vomiting happens when they have upset tummies, resulting in them...


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