
7 Foods Not To Feed Your Wiener

7 Foods Not To Feed Your Wiener

7 Foods Not To Feed Your Wiener There is no doubt (in our minds at least) that dachshunds are the most charming, brave and loyal k9 friends that one...

5 Ways your Dog Shows they Love You

5 Ways your Dog Shows they Love You

No matter what breed they are: large, medium, or small,  from Dachshund to Great Dane to Chihuahuas, there are some common ways dogs show they love you. Most dog...

Can Dachshunds Get Diabetes?

Diabetes in dogs is more common than you think. According to statistics, one in 308 dogs in the US has diabetes. This staggering number may send a shiver down...

Do dogs have a favorite person?

Do dogs have a favorite person?

Am I my dog’s favorite person? As a pet parent, you’ve probably assumed that you are…until your friend visits and it’s as if your dog doesn’t know you exist....

13 Celebrity Dachshund Owners

These dachshunds have been living the high life with their celebrity owners. Whether they are long-haired dachshunds, dapple dachshunds or anything in between, celebrities just can’t seem to get...

Best Therapy Dogs: Your Guide to Breeds

While many dogs can be trained to offer companionship to those suffering from certain medical and mental health conditions, some breeds of dogs are more suited to this task...

Water sports with your dog

Water sports with your dog

Some dogs just love water. It’s like it’s in their genes (clue: it is. See the Irish Water Spaniel and the Portuguese Water Dog). We already know dogs can...

14 Popular Dog Breeds with Heath Issues

14 Popular Dog Breeds with Health Issues

We don’t want to Stereotype, but unfortunately certain dog breeds come with certain pre-dispososed health problems. Knowing what health issues can arise can help you treat your pup or...

Dachshund Dog Beds

Dachshund Dog Beds

Dachshunds have long been members of my family (Jim’s) and we still maintain the link with Hula, our rescue puppy. She may not be 100% Dachshund, but she is...

The 10 Most Expensive Dogs in the UK

This may sound like a broken record but it’s worth repeating: since the lockdown, an increasing number of households have turned to pets for emotional support and companionship during...

Are Dachshunds good pets?

As you know we have been joined by a new apprentice at Dogs Dogs Dogs HQ called Hula. She has settled in well to her new role and instantly...

Dachshund Diet & Meal Plan Advice

To begin a well-balanced approach for your Daschund’s overall health, you need to consider your dog’s age, weight, level of activity, and the types of foods you’re providing for...

Dapple Dachshund: Nine Fascinating Facts

The Dapple Dachshund is a unique type of Dachshund that’s distinguished by its colorful, spotted, dapple-style fur coat.  Dapple Dachshunds are perhaps better known as spotted sausage dogs because,...

Help! 13 Dog Breeds That Can’t Swim

“Dogs are born to swim” is a phrase that we have all heard? The reality will turn your thoughts upside down. For some dog breeds, it is really not...


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